08 outubro, 2010

On power

I'm like the bird above ready to take off...another day spent on duty, in the airport, without being called.  It gave me the opportunity to stay with friends last night  that i don't see as much as i want, not living in Paris.
 LOVE  was our main discussion. How to find it, how to keep it, why love seems to run away from friends that we think have everything...and endless talk while sipping a few bottles of my favorite wine in the world, bordeaux "Château margaux" with various cheeses! There was this mutual friend who's still single, feeling guilty that she quit at the age of 21 her first love who happens to be "prince charming". She never forgot him always compare him with the other guys in her life, feeling deep inside that HE was the one and she had let it go. She started a search to find him after all those lost years and we cross our fingers that this will end " they live happily ever after".
 The other friend feels emprisoned in a relationship where he gives more than he receives and where his liberty remains a struggle, being assertive is a day to day challenge for him. 
As the Dalai Lama says being a couple takes effort, patience and comprehension
I have just been told that i'm on duty ...again....tomorrow. I have always found fascinating to observe how human like to be in control and when you are powerless how much effort it takes not to fight back when facing an injustice because you'll be even more powerless and...they win over you. Each company has his own rules and the goal is making profit each day more and more profit but....without considering the emotional side of his employees is doomed to fail. Daniel Goleman has written this very astute book about "emotional intelligence" where he explains about the importance of being motivated and recognized in our own company and when this fails to happen how the losses in money can be quantified. One needs to be heard and understood, we are not machines and numbers!
I think i will have another bordeaux tonight..."A votre Santé" 
Enjoy the week end.
Tomorrow hopefully i'll be heading to Shangai or Pekin or i'll run nuts...