10 fevereiro, 2010

40 days to ARTFEST

40 days...to ARTFEST . I'm getting excited and in my head the countdown has started! this year the theme are FAIRY TALES and it's always very interesting to observe that in the art world there are many songs, movies this year with this theme, i can't wait to see the last Tim Burton Alice in wonderlands. 
I was invited buy a portuguese actor/ director to realize with another artist a piece for children.....due in late june, the main theme is FAIRY TALES. Very enthusiastic about it, to share the director insights and make them come true. In the meanwhile, heading to the city of angels and especially to Michael's...my favorite craft store. Hope my flight to Paris will be on time as he is usually late! but still no worries today as i reading with sheer pleasure this book "Alma e os mistérios da vida" from Luisa Castel-Branco, of course she doesn't know but she's contributing for my liking of portuguese books, which is a major step for me. Aleluia!!!! I'm happy and relax let's see on my way back from LAX with 9h of jet lag see.....my mental is nagging me and trying to control once again. 
the goal is living today more precisely now.