24 julho, 2011

I love my life

After 3 days at "Festas de carcavelos" time to relax! Sunny weather here in beautiful Lisbon heading to the beach... The three days were great, very well organized, very good crafting with laughs and good humor. I was next to an artist who makes his own tee shirt each being different and unusual. What i like about him apart from his art is him being so available to share insights informations. Sergio is definitely on the giving an authentic soul which as we know tends to be rare on big cities! Check his site www.id-wear-com
I do love being in contact with the public. I am fortunate that they apreciate, recognize my work and my creativity. Now is time to go back to my studio as i am running out of necklaces, notebooks, kits and albums. A special thanks to Frederica who happens to be a stewardess like me who is not only beautiful inside in and out and was the one organizing this event. Check is site too at  www.cultodaimagem.com
Through my art i meet wonderful souls. I am truly blessed
I am still caring the Machu Picchu energy...
Wish you all the best