05 janeiro, 2011

Le grand Bleu

How odd!  I just received an email from my first love back when i was seventeen... It didn't last long but for me it lasted a lifetime. I relish that year as one of total happiness, my grand-mother moved on with us as she wanted "to divorce" after fifty years of marriage as my grand father didn't make the celebrations of half a century they spent together. We didn't take it seriously but loved having Mamie around everyday she cooked us different and delicious meals, sewing in the afternoon, her hands never at rest. 
My first love looked like Mickey Rourke, one of the handsome guys in school and he asked me to date him!  I was feeling whole, my dreams had came true. I remember him as one does with first love with romantic eyes, we never argue, we had fun, we danced... we spent endless hours talking. He had this "mobylette" that i thought was sooooo cool riding behing him feeling his male scent how unerving that was and exciting! We were free spirited but still so shy. He was very protective over me, felt for the first time beautiful and bright.
I remember how my grand-mother loved the idea, how i could count on her. I used to smoke at the time he didn't...clever guy! 
It was 24 years ago...but a simple email brought it back as it was yesterday. I loved those months one of the happiest in my life.
What a pleasant and unexpected surprise. It all come out through the blog. As i look back now i realize that all my past is in my present and certainly in my future. I keep on with friends from childhood who know me for ages, who know me by heart from friends that i have met up recently where souls recognizes themselves out from criativity. Love this continuity,  this balance, this knowing where i come from but this freedom to be who i want to be and hopefully there's a lot ahead of me. I have learned my lessons over the years, don't take anything for granted.
How odd that my first love and my forever love over the centuries  share the same passion for a film a a music " le grand bleu"Eric Besson  when they aren't the same age nor from the same nationality.
God's way i dare to write....
Have a good week