26 setembro, 2010


I have just read the post of Nina Bagley about the importance in her life of rituals. She travels all over the year teaching her wonderful and so inspiring workshops and when back at home she lives in a remote and beautiful  place in the mountains. She leads the kind of life i long for...let's see what HE has in mind for me? I do travel a lot has my first job is being a flight attendant, now up to twenty one years still a lot to go! I do have a lot of rituals too first thing in the morning when at home is scratching my husband back... and hugging him then the attention goes to the  cat Frimousse who litterally runs towards the kitchen as if he hasn't eat in years while giving him his favorite dish "sardines" i prepare a french coffee that is an enormous bowl of strong coffee (my portuguese friends fail to understand how we french can drink so much coffee in a row, they are more into several italians coffees during the day ) while sipping my flavored and delicious coffee i talk to my mom. First thing in the morning i need to get connected with my mom, some say that i do need to cut the umbilical row now i reply why? everything in a way or the other will lead us to our moms if she was to present or absent or too authoritative or too permissive etc... My mom is and will be my best friend forever, one that stand by me no matter why aren't we all searching for that kind of relationship in our lives? Anyway, after sometimes two strong bowls of coffee when the jet lag sinks in i start to be more awake and i'm ready for the gym. I've restarted exercising after a hibernating period due to  my hormonals treatments and i feel so good with it. Exercising do gives me punch, i feel more alive after classes like being in my studio in the afternoon creating gives me balance, strengh, and most of all awareness. We do need to have our rituals in this frantic world otherwise we would run out of our bodies. 
I would love though to be a full time artist, traveling once in a while with my husband, having a regular timetable not starting to work for 12 hours of flight at 23h20pm to ......distant lands
 That's the thing about humans we have this constant insatisfaction or is it just me? Don't get me wrong i do love my job but now after so many years and the constant increasing of activities my body feels more reluctant to adjust and recover and i have discovered my passion so creating is like a legal drug to me, i need to create or i start to lose my balance.
As always my dear and talented teacher Nina is an inspiration for me, look below at her beautiful Home
Have a good sunday......I will