Working in my studio
Since Artfest i haven't been sleeping very well, at 8h30pm every night i almost fall of tiredness and then it just passes till 3am..... as i resist on pills i just have to be patient while my husband....and my cat are fast asleep. So the bright side is that alone in my studio i create those albums. I bought this old book in Artfest this year, had an idea that of course turned out completely different. It's for sale on next week-end "craft and design".It's meant to be a gift as inside you can add photos of loved ones, there's 2 little drawers, a postcard... i cherish when i receive a present the wrap as much as the gift and it's good to make it last as long as possible, to have little surprises inside the big one!
This one is simpler as there's a niche when you open it where you can add one photo.
This one will be my third workshop; a day well spent learning how to transform old books in beautiful albums. Recycling as the papers inside the books are used as canvas to paint, to resin, to sew, whatever anything but the bin! RECYCLE the era of shopping is recessing more and more people are aware and concerned that one needs to change. So i try at home to reuse my materials and be less consuming even in my craft stores! I don't see the point in buying one more pair of jeans when there are so many in the drawers and i have to say that what really was the turning point to me was a trip to India severals years ago. We stayed with Mom in a magical place held by Dodies in the Rajasthan. One loves or hates India there's no in between. I love it from crowded and polluted Mumbai to ancient palaces in Jaipur and Jodhpur to the superb food, the colours of the saris, the beauty of the people their open smile, their deep spirituality. It's a life changing trip! I wasn't very much into addict shopping but now even less, i tend to buy what i really will use or need. My addiction are books but they are food for my soul so it's ok to keep on buying them. Is it? I would love to made "a life changing" trip to Peru too but there seems never to be the right moment! I definitely was Indian and peruvian in a former life as well as native american. Just finished this beautifully written book "a thousand wifes" by Jim Fergus and caught myself crying in the end when the cheyenne camp was dismanteled and all of them were killed by a ruthless white army. Something within me was deeply moved,it felt real to me if you see what i mean? Ok have to hurry up and catch my mom at the airport (for once is not me...) and off to a beach restaurant, nice fish and shrimps! Still on the protein diet Amanda! it's worth it as now one can sees the