As i was sewing the 1945 newspaper"le Figaro", i kept wondering about all that my beloved grandmother had gone through world war 2, the fear, Paris being occupied, living each day not knowing if tomorrow would come, finding basic food to give to her family...even in my worst nightmares i can't imagine what it represents living under constant fear. What courage those generations had. You will tell me every decade has his struggle, so true but yet we live in a free world and there's nothing compare to freedom.My mother fall in love in 1967 with a portuguese man, Dad and at that time Portugal was under a dictature that was very difficult to her. She had to wait till 1974 and Carnation Revolution for the democracy to install and the price was very high for a lot of people.Very controversial times. Now we have to face a different type of war but nonetheless scary. So Love is the answer and always will be. I know i kept repeating myself...
I was very inspire and took a lot of pleasure, adding little signs here and there.
Love is the ultimate healer
Love is where i want to go.
Love is what i want to give and receive