08 abril, 2009


I am truly blessed to have been part of Artfest girls.It was a fantastic experience!
My roommates are the best one can have; Michelle your margaritas are awesome bring more next year! I will bring some french and portuguese wine... Nikki "ravey-ioli" I loved your beautiful story of your grandpa, what an example. Cherryl "cheese chips" thank you so much for the lovely banners, we had fun in Nina´s class and give me your address so I can mail you vintage french papers...It was so cool sharing the bedroom with you
Girls I wasn´t the only one speaking while sleeping!!! didn´t figure out who it was...
Thank you Jo, you were my guardian angel! you gave me such inspiring ideas...unmounting a clock! that´s great. we will meet hopefully in september in Paris.
Amanda you are a beautiful person inside in and out, your bracelet and your flowers were great(yes....they are)My husband just bought me a GPS I immediately thought of you!!! Adeola you are fun and never had the chance to thank you for having wait for me at the airport.Whenever I ll go to Lagos I ll think of you
Journaling: Adeola, Michelle the runner, Jessica, Stephanie, Amanda seated next to me, Michelle roommate at the back
Room 33...gathering in the evening
Beautiful Amy, my egg nest sister I m so glad I meet you! You are fun and authentic and ....so much more and Stephanie(what did you eat at breakfast to look so young and full of energy?) your life experience gave me such hope, thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us. Jill I love your jokes and your work(I ll send some vintage stuff)
Nina´ class we had fun there to............
Seattle airport.........grr time to leave
I felt like I could have stay in Artfest forever......(I would have had to bring my husband though...) I was and will always be a big fan of America, and know to have known you all
girls... I confirme that I was truly blessed to be among you, to laugh, share, drink, create and laugh some more.............
You are true artist, God bless you all